Sunday, August 4, 2024

Book Review: What Moves the Dead


Book Review: What Moves the Dead by T Kingfisher 

Goodreads Description: When Alex Easton, a retired soldier, receives word that their childhood friend Madeline Usher is dying, they race to the ancestral home of the Ushers in the remote countryside of Ruravia.

What they find there is a nightmare of fungal growths and possessed wildlife, surrounding a dark, pulsing lake. Madeline sleepwalks and speaks in strange voices at night, and her brother Roderick is consumed with a mysterious malady of the nerves.

Aided by a redoubtable British mycologist and a baffled American doctor, Alex must unravel the secret of the House of Usher before it consumes them all.

My Review: What a creepy, atmospheric read! Kingfisher reimagines Edgar Allen Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher with a fantastical twist: the rotting house of Usher, both the building and the family itself, have been infested with a fungus that makes the dead walk. The thematic rotting of the Usher House is made literal through Kingfisher's fungi, which behaves similarly to the real family of cordyceps mushrooms that make zombies out of their living hosts. This omnipresent infestation creates a tense and claustrophobic atmosphere that is so tangible it's almost another character. Even before readers know exactly what it is, there's a sense that the characters are constantly being watched by a predator waiting for its moment to strike. What Moves the Dead follows Poe's original story quite faithfully, with the added elements only serving to flesh out (heh) the original story. 

While Poe's story was not particularly queer, Kingfisher changes that up by playing with gender identity and neo-pronouns in her retelling. The novel features the made-up country of Gallacia, where gender and pronoun use differ from the rest of Europe. They draw from an expanded set of personal pronouns with individual pronouns for God, minors, and soldiers. The main character, Alex Easton, is also a transgender man or trans-masculine nonbinary, which was really cool to see representation-wise. Since Alex is a soldier, the book explores the 'soldier' gender category and how it manifests differently from masculinity. While the 'soldier' gender is presented as masculine, the way it is expressed is tied more closely to the role of a warrior than the typical 'male' role, i.e., more concerned with duty than domination. I really enjoyed how Kingfisher wove these ideas into the overall plot. While gender and pronoun use do have a role to play in the plot, it's not Alex's gender that comes under the microscope. It's refreshing to see gender feature as a main plot point without focusing on bigotry, coming out, or a crisis of identity. 

All in all, this was such a delightful read. The writing was gorgeously haunting. Kingfisher's ability to blend modern slang with the formal language of Poe's era added a musicality to her text that made it a true joy to read. Plus, at less than 200 pages, this novella reads quick but leaves a lasting impression. 

TL;DR: 5/5 stars. Freaky fungi, some queering of gender, and a whole lot of atmosphere. 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Book Review: Pageboy


Book Review: Pageboy by Elliot Page 

Goodreads Description: Pageboy is a groundbreaking coming-of-age memoir from the Academy Award-nominated actor Elliot Page. A generation-defining actor and one of the most famous trans advocates of our time, Elliot will now be known as an uncommon literary talent, as he shares never-before-heard details and intimate interrogations on gender, love, mental health, relationships, and Hollywood.

My Review: First off, I've been a fan of Elliot Page since I saw Hard Candy as an edgy teen, and as a trans person myself, I'm in full support of Page's politics -- trans rights are human rights, baby. But this book was terrible. It was worse than terrible, it was barely even a book. It's not often that I give one star reviews, since I can usually find positives in any book I read. However, Pageboy is disorganized, poorly written, and fails to provide nuanced insights into the trans experience. It often reads like a teenager's diary that focuses more on Page's pain than deriving a message from it that would be useful to anyone but him.

The disorganization and lack of clear narrative was especially aggravating, because it felt like Page was prioritizing the "artistry" of his book over coherence, i.e., he makes no attempt to ground you in a timeline, or even the scene itself. The book routinely meanders from subject to subject in naval-gazing monologues; Page will start a paragraph discussing one event, but quickly name at least five other incidents based on a similar theme. While he's trying to link these incidents together, he focuses more on artfully describing details rather than connecting them in a meaningful way. It often felt like Page was trying to be James Joyce without understanding how Joyce's writing style worked. It's easy to compare this to Jeanette McCurdy's memoir, because even though she jumps around in the timeline, she grounds readers in a tangible scene and leaves enough clues so we know where we are in her life. Pageboy makes no such attempts. 

Not only is the book confusing as hell, but it fails to articulate anything meaningful about transgender people. The book tries to be both political and personal by using Page's experiences to justify the necessity of transgender rights, yet there's a disconnect between the stories he's telling and the messages he's trying to impart. It all feels inauthentic and contrived. It seems like Page chose messages he wanted to impart and then found a moment from his past that kind of fits that message, rather than showing how his life experiences caused him to learn those lessons. Because of that, we get a story from Page's past with a ham-fisted moral at the end that doesn't fully fit. Page has moments where he authentically shows how being trans has shaped his life, but these moments are fleeting and don't connect to form a bigger picture. Because of this, the messaging is as disorganized as the narrative. As a trans person, I know my way around the queer watercooler, yet I still found it difficult to understand what exactly Page was trying to say. If someone who is well-versed in trans politics has a hard time understanding the message, then it's unlikely that people with little to no experience with the trans community will be able to take anything meaningful away from this book. 

All in all, not worth it. This was such a terrible reading experience that I can't recommend this to anyone, unfortunately. 

TL;DR: 1/5 stars. A disorganized recollection that lacks substance and coherency. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Book Review: I'm Thinking of Ending Things


Book Review: I'm Thinking of Ending Things by Iain Reid 

Goodreads Description: I’m thinking of ending things. Once this thought arrives, it stays. It sticks. It lingers. It’s always there. Always.

Jake once said, “Sometimes a thought is closer to truth, to reality, than an action. You can say anything, you can do anything, but you can’t fake a thought.”

And here’s what I’m thinking: I don’t want to be here.

In this smart and intense literary suspense novel, Iain Reid explores the depths of the human psyche, questioning consciousness, free will, the value of relationships, fear, and the limitations of solitude. Tense, gripping, and atmospheric, I’m Thinking of Ending Things pulls you in from the very first page…and never lets you go.

My Review: After watching the movie adaptation, I scooped this book up immediately to see if there was more to the story. I was in a slump after watching too many boring, uninspired movies, so when I stumbled across this story, I was immediately drawn into its mysterious and introspective nature. While the book has a slightly different ending, for the most part, if you've seen the movie, there's not much more you're going to get out of the book. The book is quite clear about aspects that the movie keeps vague or layered in metaphor, but I personally preferred the movie's ambiguity over Reid's more direct approach. 

There's a lot of things to like about this book. It's a fascinating character study on the 'incels' of our society -- isolated men struggling with their mental health who direct the frustration for their situation onto women. These are the people who become mass shooters, who fall down radicalization rabbit holes, who kill themselves. Though we are introduced to and carried through the story by Jake's girlfriend, the entire book is eventually revealed to be a study on Jake. Even the parts that don't appear to be about him end up being about him. The book spends a lot of time philosophically musing on relationships and solitude-- both in dialogue and narration-- which is reflected in Jake's life-- a tangible example to contrast the theories proposed. 

Reid is excellent at building tension and suspense. The book sinks its hooks in you from the first page and never lets up. The slow build of mystery and threat made it hard to put the book down, but this tension felt too drawn out over the climax, as if Reid didn't know how to escalate it into a full conflict when the time came. At times, Reid strays into cheesy territory by using phrases that feel both clumsy and condescending. Lines like, "I'm so attracted to him," lacked any subtly, while the epilogue's meta direction that "You should read it. But maybe start at the end. Then circle back," felt like Reid was talking down to his readers, as if he didn't trust them to understand what he'd done without directing the audience to re-read the book with its twist ending in mind. It is good to keep in mind that this is Reid's debut into fiction (with an established non-fiction career preceding it), so it may be that Reid doesn't yet trust that his readers will pick up what he's laying down. Hopefully this is resolved in his later books. 

TL;DR: 3/5 stars. An interesting philosophical dissection of relationships and solitude with mediocre prose. 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Book Review: Brave New World


Book Review: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 

Goodreads Description: Brave New World is a novel written in 1931 by Aldous Huxley and published in 1932. Set in London in the year AD 2540 (632 A.F.—"After Ford"—in the book), the novel anticipates developments in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation, and classical conditioning that combine profoundly to change society.

My Review: Brave New World is a difficult classic to get invested in. Huxley had a point to make with this book, but he largely expresses that through worldbuilding rather than narrative. The dystopia he presents is indeed fascinating -- governments controlling people through pleasurable distractions rather than pain -- but it's coupled with next to no plot, unlikable characters, dry, colourless writing, and awkward pacing, which makes it a difficult swallow for modern readers. Brave New World is a quintessential dystopia through its soul crushing ending, but its lack of plot and character depth also robs that ending of some of its power. Instead of seeing how these characters struggled against the system and lost, we see them tour their world before ultimately submitting to it. I'm sure others feel differently, but I felt that many other classic dystopias do a better job at emotionally engaging the reader with the characters' struggle.

Now, the worldbuilding in this book is indeed fantastic. Huxley's ideas around governments conditioning behaviour and controlling people through pleasure was truly ahead of his time. It would be another 30 years before theorists like Michel Foucault began echoing these sentiments during their research on governmental and systematic power. Huxley's vision of this control is absolute, beginning with psychological and biological conditioning before birth, and continuing through pleasurable distractions like drugs (Soma) and sex (orgies). Huxley also questions the concept of civilized society, contrasting his "utopian" future against a racist caricature of Indigenous "tribal" life. Huxley posits that for all society's advancements, our moral regression has left us less civilized than the "savage" societies we purport to be superior to. While Huxley makes some interesting points about what is "savage" and "civilized," he singles out polyamorous sexual behaviour as the ultimate moral failing of modern society, which feels pretty dated. 

If you're just getting into classic dystopias, I don't recommend starting with Brave New World. It is worth the read, but more for the concepts it introduces rather than the story it's trying to tell. 

TL;DR: 3/5 stars. A fascinating world with a mediocre narrative. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Book Review: Tits On The Moon


Book Review: Tits on the Moon by Dessa 

Goodreads Description: Tits on the Moon features a dozen “stage poems,” many of which Dessa performs at her legendary live shows; they’re funny, weird, and occasionally bittersweet. The collection opens with a short essay on craft (and the importance of having a spare poem around for when the power goes out). Proudly published by Rain Taxi in association with Doomtree, Tits on the Moon features a stunning cover pressed with gold foil and structurally embossed.

My Review: Dessa's collection of poems begins with a short essay that sets the 'stage' (heh) for the rest of the collection - when technical difficulties delay the show, it's important to have a handful of poems to appease the waiting crowd. As a writer and rapper, Dessa's comfort with the written word shines through her experimentation with different poetic forms. Some poems are free verse, some use a more rigid rhyme scheme and meter, while others play with cliched phrases. There's a nice balance of cynicism and hope, so while Dessa pokes at some darker subjects, they're handled with a nice dose of dry humour to keep things light. The collection also ends with a piece called Stage Dive, which coupled with the opening essay, create perfect thematic bookends for this short and sweet collection. 

TL;DR: 3/5 stars. A rap artist's perspective on poetry. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Book Review: Someone Who Will Love You in All Your Damaged Glory


Book Review: Someone Who Will Love You in All Your Damaged Glory by Raphael Bob-Waksberg

Goodreads Description: Written with all the scathing dark humor that is a hallmark of BoJack Horseman, Raphael Bob-Waksberg's stories will make readers laugh, weep, and shiver in uncomfortably delicious recognition. In "A Most Blessed and Auspicious Occasion," a young couple planning a wedding is forced to deal with interfering relatives dictating the appropriate number of ritual goat sacrifices. "Missed Connection--m4w" is the tragicomic tale of a pair of lonely commuters eternally failing to make that longed-for contact. The members of a rock band in "Up-and-Comers" discover they suddenly have superpowers — but only when they're drunk. And in "The Serial Monogamist's Guide to Important New York City Landmarks," a woman maps her history of romantic failures based on the places she and her significant others visited together.

My Review: As the title implies, this collection takes a look at love -- the good, the bad, and the downright weird. This isn't your happily-ever-after kind of love, these stories dive into its bittersweet transience: how people grow apart, how things don't work out, how hearts get broken, bandaged up, and put out there just to get banged up again. The opening and closing pieces make perfect endcaps to this theming: the book opens with a woman on a first date, wondering if the man she's with is worth trusting or if she's going to get hurt again, while the last piece features a one night stand where a couple comes to know each other completely, only to become strangers again in the morning. Throughout the collection, Raphael Bob-Waksberg plays with the concept of love -- along with the form of his poems and stories -- in order to view the traditional love story through a fresh perspective. We get a love story told through the point of view of the boyfriend's dog. The love poem about writing love poems. The rules list for a game of Taboo that explores the things you can and can't say in relationships. Whether it's playing with form, or inserting superheroes or Satanists into age-old tales of marriage or growing up, each story has something that makes it feel like it's never been done before. 

The writing style isn't overly flowery, but the narrative spends a lot of time contemplating the nature of people, things, love, etc. Any plot or action is used as a framing device for the emotions or atmosphere Bob-Waksberg is trying to communicate. Even pieces that are more plot-driven don't seat us inside the action; the focus is always on the internal and interpersonal drama playing out around it. If you enjoyed Bojack Horseman but found it a little dark, this collection may be just right for you. While many of its stories are bittersweet, it's not nearly as hopeless as Bob-Waksberg's popular Netflix show. It may make you feel lonely and like finding love is utterly hopeless, but it won't make you hate the rest of humanity (hopefully). 

The book has such a powerful emotional impact that it's hard not to dwell on some of these stories, even months later. If, like me, you love that sour punch of bittersweet love and loss, you won't be disappointed with this collection. 

TL;DR: 5/5 stars. A bittersweet collection exploring the transient nature of love. 

Friday, April 26, 2024

Book Review: I'm Glad My Mom Died

Book Review: I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy 

Goodreads Description: A heartbreaking and hilarious memoir by iCarly and Sam & Cat star Jennette McCurdy about her struggles as a former child actor—including eating disorders, addiction, and a complicated relationship with her overbearing mother—and how she retook control of her life.

Jennette McCurdy was six years old when she had her first acting audition. Her mother’s dream was for her only daughter to become a star, and Jennette would do anything to make her mother happy. So she went along with what Mom called “calorie restriction,” eating little and weighing herself five times a day. She endured extensive at-home makeovers while Mom chided, “Your eyelashes are invisible, okay? You think Dakota Fanning doesn’t tint hers?” She was even showered by Mom until age sixteen while sharing her diaries, email, and all her income.

In I’m Glad My Mom Died, Jennette recounts all this in unflinching detail—just as she chronicles what happens when the dream finally comes true. Cast in a new Nickelodeon series called iCarly, she is thrust into fame. Though Mom is ecstatic, emailing fan club moderators and getting on a first-name basis with the paparazzi (“Hi Gale!”), Jennette is riddled with anxiety, shame, and self-loathing, which manifest into eating disorders, addiction, and a series of unhealthy relationships. These issues only get worse when, soon after taking the lead in the iCarly spinoff Sam & Cat alongside Ariana Grande, her mother dies of cancer. Finally, after discovering therapy and quitting acting, Jennette embarks on recovery and decides for the first time in her life what she really wants.

My Review: I'm usually not interested in celebrity memoirs, since most celebrities aren't writers and many publishers are unwilling to give their manuscripts the editorial feedback they need. Jennette McCurdy's book is a different story. After hearing snippets of the audiobook online, I was quick to snatch it up. Right from the first page, McCurdy demonstrates a knack for storytelling and a keen eye for scene construction that leaves every chapter feeling poignant.

If you pick up this book hoping for a behind the scenes look at Nickelodeon and McCurdy's time with Dan Schneider, you'll end up disappointed. The book spends very little time discussing her work on set, and almost no time on Schneider himself. McCurdy's intention with this book was to tell the story of her abusive and codependent relationship with her mother, so the book doesn't linger on her career as to not detract from the heart of the story. 

Unlike most memoirs, McCurdy does far more Showing over the course of the text than Telling. She doesn't interrupt the flow of the scene with introspection or tell us what to think about her story, she just lets it play out and allows the reader to draw their own conclusions. It's through this first-hand, novel-like account that McCurdy is able to demonstrate how love and abuse can become to enmeshed. How a mother who loved her daughter so much could cause so much harm. This is exceptionally important because people who have never experienced this type of abuse often cannot fathom how that relationship functions. However, during the final chapter, McCurdy switches gears and inserts her present day reflections as a sort of "conclusion" to clear up anything that may have been misunderstood. McCurdy spends the entire book showing us how her mother has treated her and in the final chapter, names it: "I was abused." 

McCurdy's strategic use of showing and telling, coupled with her masterful characterization, speaks to her incredible talent for storytelling. At first, her writing may appear bland with no flowery language, but this utilitarian writing style allows us to focus on the action of the scene without distraction. Every bit of the story is intentionally placed to communicate how the helplessness and powerlessness from her childhood manifested as shame and anxiety in her adult life. The real power in McCurdy's storytelling comes as she leads us through her recovery after her mother's death. The book takes us through her healing process and demonstrates not only that healing is possible, but what it actually looks like, with all its highs and lows. This representation is exceedingly powerful for people who see themselves in McCurdy's abuse story, but have yet to figure out what their own path to recovery looks like. 

All in all, marvelous, spectacular. This book left me with that tingly, 'wow' feeling that only comes from a powerful story expertly executed. While its messages on abuse, addiction, and recovery are moving, ultimately what sets this book apart is its focus on relationships and how they ultimately shape our lives - for better or for worse. 

TL;DR: 5/5 stars. One celebrity memoir that you don't want to miss.